Trip: Psychedelics, Alienation, and Change
May 2018 | Vintage Books
Why Am I Interested in Him?
My Drug History
May 01. Brooklyn: powerHouse with Emily Witt [audio]May 14. Austin: BookPeopleMay 15. Los Angeles: Book Soup [audio]May 17: San Francisco: The Booksmith with Ross Simonini [audio]May 18: Portland: Powell’s City of BooksJune 7: Murmrr Reading Series with Hamilton Morris [audio]June 21: Brooklyn: Spoonbill Studio [audio]Metadata
Feb 12, 2016 - June 5 2017July 25 - Nov 16 2017deletionsprocess/unusedglyphosateInterviews
Reason podcasti-D Magazine High ExistenceDiscussion with Darcie Wilder, Sam Pink The Third Wave Conversation with Sheila Heti KBOO’s PathwaysVillage VoiceOtherppl with Brad Listi Hobart with Elle NashExpanding MindReviews
“Lin avoids writing in figurative language, and there is little hyperbole in these reports, nor references to nineteen-sixties-era acid metaphysics. Trip is, if not a guide to self-help, a book about a person trying to be happier, in part by changing the kinds of drugs he uses.”—Emily Witt, New Yorker [link]“If an aspirant asks for an example of experimental science writing, I’ll recommend Trip. The book veers from excruciatingly candid autobiography to biography (of McKenna) to investigative journalism…to interview-based journalism to philosophical speculation to first-person accounts of the effects of DMT and Salvia.”—John Horgan, Scientific American [link]
“Lin’s trips are motivated by a belief that his brain is chronically depleted of the chemicals that cause us to feel happiness or wonder. He is vulnerable and struggling to find meaning in his life.”—New York Review of Books [link]
“Trip is a sane book about becoming sane, and Lin’s most valuable work to date.”—Irish Times [link]
“The journalistic memoir documents Lin’s radical lifestyle change following the depression and pharmaceutical drug addiction fictionalized in his previous novel, Taipei.”—Anna Dorn, Los Angeles Review of Books [link]
“A charming and idiosyncratic example of ‘psychedelic boosterism.‘”—Matthew Bond, Los Angeles Review of Books [link]
“Trip shows that writing about his drug experience also opened up for him new ways of relating to language. The result is an immediately significant entry in the literature of derangement and recovery.”—Christian Lorentzen, New York Magazine [link]
“Trip is thus a document of an evolving process, a sincere meditation on ‘braiding life and literature,’ and a quasi-treatise on why we write. It is also calmly beautiful—fracturing loneliness and humming with hope.“—Ania Szremski, 4Columns [link]
“His rendering of tripping is perfect—better even, for me, than Aldous Huxley’s elegant and evocative passages in The Doors of Perception, because Lin’s account conveys reverence and immersion without grandiosity. And that allows humor to leak through.”—Charlotte Shane, Bookforum [link]
“A kaleidoscopic fever dream of ideas, idolatry, and lots of drugs: uniquely produced and curiously intoxicating.”—Kirkus [link]
“He eventually steers the epilogue toward a level of personal clarity that perfectly punctuates an introspective work of this depth and caliber.”—Publishers Weeekly [link]
“Trip is not only a book about drugs—it’s about the condition of humans at this point in history, troublingly divorced from our natural capacity for awe by our chemically depleted bodies and minds. This book has changed how I understand myself on a cellular level. It’s a superbly researched, moving, and formally inventive quest for re-enchantment, and Tao Lin’s most compelling and profound book yet.”—Sheila Heti, author of Motherhood
“Trip transcends the ranks of drug memoirs to give us a characteristically nontraditional, completely unique, hilarious, tender, and at times frightening departure from everyday life such as only Tao Lin can write. With fascinating specificity, it asks essential questions about the nature of time, reality, consciousness, and the self, while holding a looking glass up to contemporary life, to ask, Is this really all there is?—and to answer, No, the possibility for knowledge is endless, and we should never cease searching.”—Sarah Gerard, author of Sunshine State
“Similar to the psychedelic drugs Tao Lin writes about here, this book introduces new ways to consider language, perception, and recovery. It’s a joy to watch Lin interrogate his obsessions so earnestly and thoroughly in an attempt to understand more about the world as he knows it. Trip is a book for anyone interested in learning about what the human mind is capable of seeing and believing.”—Chelsea Hodson, author of Tonight I’m Someone Else
“Tao Lin’s writing reliably restores my sense of the inexhaustible strangeness of even one minute of human thought and feeling.”—Michael W. Clune, author of White Out
“I’m struck by the psychedelic experience, impressively researched and rendered here by Tao Lin, as being a realm beyond language–even so, Lin has translated his “trips” with remarkable clarity, wisdom, and beauty. This book is smart, entertaining, and ambitious in equally profound measures; it is a record of unmapped worlds; it is a history of human consciousness; it swaps the tired tenets of existentialism for something much richer and greater and more provocative: awe.”—Kristen Iskandrian, author of Motherest
BooksSchopenhauer, Arthur. The World as Will and Representation. 1818. Translated by E.F.J. Payne. Mineola, NY: Dover Books, 1969.Schopenhauer, Arthur. Parerga and Paralipomena. 1851. Translated by E.F.K. Payne, Oxford University Press, 1974.Stapledon, Olaf. Star Maker. Methuen Publishing Ltd., 1937.Rhys, Jean. Good Morning, Midnight. Constable, 1939.Price, Weston A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. P.B. Hoeber, 1939.Huxley, Aldous. Heaven and Hell. Chatto & Windus, 1956.Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin, 1962.Burroughs, William S., and Allen Ginsberg. The Yage Letters. City Lights, 1963.Mellaart, James. Earliest Civilizations of the Near East. McGraw-Hill, 1965.Mellaart, James. Çatal Hüyük. McGraw-Hill, 1967.McKenna, Terence and Dennis. The Invisible Landscape. The Seabury Press, 1975.McKenna, Terence and Dennis. Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower’s Guide. And/Or Press, 1976.Stone, Merlin. When God Was a Woman. Dial Press, 1976.Rhys, Jean. Smile Please. André Deutsch, 1979.Hofmann, Albert. LSD: My Problem Child. McGraw-Hill, 1980.Crick, Francis. Life Itself. Simon and Schuster, 1981.Mandelbrot, Benoit. The Fractal Geometry of Nature. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1982.Pessoa, Fernando. The Book of Disquiet, 1982. Translated by Richard Zenith, Penguin Classics, 2002.Moore, Lorrie. Anagrams. Knopf, 1986.Eisler, Riane. The Chalice and the Blade. Harper & Row, 1987.Wasson, Gordon, Albert Hofmann, and Carl Ruck. The Road to Eleusis. Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1978.Collins, Anne. In the Sleep Room. Lester and Orpen Dennys Ltd., 1988.Schultes, Richard Evans. Where the Gods Reign. Synergetic Press, 1988.Gimbutas, Marija. The Language of the Goddess. Thames and Hudson, 1989.McKenna, Terence. The Archaic Revival. Harper Collins, 1992.McKenna, Terence. Food of the Gods. Bantam Books, 1992.McKenna, Terence. True Hallucinations. Harper San Francisco, 1993.Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. NewTrends Publishing, 1995.Moore, Lorrie. Birds of America. Knopf, 1998.Gimbutas, Marija. The Living Goddesses. University of California Press, 1999.Strassman, Rick. DMT: The Spirit Molecule. Park Street Press, 2000.Ott, Jeff. My World. Subcity Records, 2000.Anderson, M. Kat. Tending the Wild. University of California Press, 2006.Ruck, Carl A. P. Sacred Mushrooms of the Goddess. Ronin Publishing, 2006.Savino, John and Marie D. Jones. Supervolcano. New Page Books, 2007.McKenna, Klea. The Butterfly Hunter. Self-published, 2008.Iversen, Leslie. The Science of Marijuana. Oxford University Press, 2008.Lee, Martin A. Smoke Signals. Simon and Schuster, 2012.McKenna, Dennis. The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss. North Star Press of St. Cloud, 2012.Crane, Peter. Ginkgo: The Tree That Time Forgot. Yale University Press, 2013.Singer, Katie. An Electronic Silent Spring. Portal Books, 2014.Bowman, Katy. Move Your DNA. Propriometrics Press, 2014.Duvall, Chris. Cannabis. Reaktion Books, 2015.Articles/essays/otherWasson, Robert Gordon. “Seeking the Magic Mushroom.” Life Magazine. June 10, 1957.[link]Hersh, Seymour M. “Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years.” New York Times. December 22, 1974. [link]Horowitz, Michael. “Interview with Albert Hofmann.” High Times Vol. 11. 1976. [link]U.S. Congress. Joint Hearing on Project MKULTRA, The CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification. Hearings. 95th Cong., 1st sess., August 3, 1977. [link]Vreeland, Elizabeth. “Jean Rhys, The Art of Fiction No. 64.” Paris Review, 1979. [link]McKenna, Terence. “I Understand Philip K. Dick.” In Pursuit of Valis, edited by Lawrence Sutin, Underwood Books, 1991.Doblin, Rick. “Good Friday Experiment: A Long-Term Follow-Up and Methodological Critique.“ Journal of Transpersonal Psychology Vol. 23 No. 1 (1991): 1-28. [link]Jacobson, Mark. “Is Terence McKenna the Brave Prophet of the Next Psychedelic Revolution, or Is His Cosmic Egg Just a Little Bit Cracked?” Esquire. June 1992. [link]McKenna, Terence and Ram Dass. “A Conversation with Terence McKenna and Ram Dass (1992).” YouTube. 1992.[Link]McKenna, Terence. Interview by Sukie Miller. Omni. May 1993.McKenna, Terence. Interview by James Kent. tripzine. 1993.[link]McKenna, Terence. Interview by John Hazard. “Terence McKenna - Final Earthbound Interview.” October 1998. [link]Harrison, Kathleen. “Roads Where There Have Long Been Trails.” Terra Nova: Nature and Culture. Summer 1998.[link]Harrison, Kathleen. “The Leaves of the Shepherdess.” Sisters of the Extreme, edited by Cynthia Palmer and Michael Horowitz, Park Street Press, 2000. [link]Davis, Erik. “Terence McKenna’s Last Trip.” Wired. May 1, 2000. [link]Gaffney, Elizabeth. “Lorrie Moore, The Art of Fiction No. 167.” Paris Review, 2001. [link]Soutar, Ian. “Ska Pastora – Leaves of the Shepherdess.” MAPS Bulletin. Spring 2001. [link]Ignatieff, Michael. “C.I.A.; What Did the C.I.A. Do to His Father?” New York Times Magazine. April 1, 2001. [link]Psilo, Earth, Spoon. “Ask Erowid : ID 3083 : How many LSD molecules in a hit of LSD?” December 27, 2004.Frood, Arran. “Cluster busters.” Nature Medicine. December 28, 2006.[link]Sack, Kevin and Brent McDonald. “Popularity of a Hallucinogen May Thwart Its Medical Uses.” New York Times. September 8, 2008.Azmitia, Efrain C. “Evolution of Serotonin: Sunlight to Suicide.” Handbook of the Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin, edited by Muller & Jacobs, Academic Press, 2009.Harrison, Kathleen. “Treat Her Right: Lessons From a Medicine Walk.” MAPS Bulletin. Spring 2009. [link]Harrison, Kathleen. “Ethnobotanist Discusses Her First DMT Experience.” YouTube. January 10, 2010. [link]Harrison, Kathleen. “Kathleen Harrison: LSD didn’t really prepare me for DMT.” YouTube. September 26, 2011. [link]Viebrock, Susan. “Ethnobotanist Kathleen Harrison at Shroomfest 2012.” Telluride Inside. August 25, 2012. [link]Gallimore, Andrew, and David Luke. “DMT Research from 1956 to the Edge of Time.” Neurotransmissions: Essays on Psychedelics from Breaking Convention. 2013. [link]Schwartz, Oscar. “Giving Tao Lin Good Quality Marijuana In Melbourne, Australia After Reading a Tweet Tao Lin Wrote…” Scum. December 21, 2013.[link]U.S. Geological Survey. “Common Weed Killer is Widespread in the Environment.” Environmental Health - Toxic Substances Hydrology Program. April 23, 2014.[link]Erik, Davis. “Botanical Beings: A talk with ethnobotanist Kathleen Harrison.” Expanding Mind. May 14, 2015.[link]Rabin, Roni Caryn. “More Overdose Deaths From Anxiety Drugs.” New York Times. February 25, 2016. [link]Baum, Dan. “Legalize It All: How to win the war on drugs.” Harper’s. April 2016. [link]Kesser, Chris. “HLA-B27 and autoimmune disease: Is a low-starch diet the solution?” July 21, 2016. [link]Moms Across America. “Glyphosate Found in Major Childhood Vaccines: Moms & Scientists Demand FDA & CDC Test Vaccines for Glyphosate.” September 6, 2016. [link]U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2015 Pesticide Data Program report. November 2016. [link]Seneff, Stephanie. “Glyphosate and Collagen: Widespread Consequences.” Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts 17, no. 4 (Winter 2016): 34-40. [link]Lin, J.T. In-person communication on the lens of the human eye. December 2016.Azmitia, Efrain C. Email communication on the age of serotonin. March 2017.Gallimore, Andrew. Facebook communication on the age of DMT. April 2017.McKenna, Finn. Phone communication on Terence McKenna’s biography. May 2017.Lin, Yuchin. Email communication on tone in Mandarin. June 2017.
TalksMcKenna, Terence. “Tryptamine Hallucinogens and Consciousness.” Lilly/Goswami Conference. Esalen Institute. Big Sur, California. December 1982.————. “Alien Love.” Shared Visions Bookstore. Berkeley, California. 1983.————. “Philosophical Gadfly.“ Mill Valley, California. 1984.————. “New Maps of Hyperspace.” Berkeley Institute for the Study of Consciousness. Berkeley, California. 1984.————. “The Psychedelic Society.” Esalen Institute. Big Sur, California. February 1984.————. “Under The Teaching Tree.” Ojai Foundation. Ojai, California. April 1985.————. “Psychedelics Before and After History.” CIIS. San Francisco, California. 1987.————. “Nature is the Center of the Mandala.” Shared Visions Bookstore. Berkeley, California. September 12, 1987.————. “Understanding and the Imagination in the Light of Nature.” Los Angeles. October 17, 1987.————. “The Evolution of a Psychedelic Thinker.” June 1989.————. “The Psychedelic Option.” May 1990.————. “Time and Mind.” New Mexico. May 1990.————. “The World Could Be Anything.” July 1990.————. “A Weekend with Terence McKenna.” Esalen Institute. February 1992.————. “In Search of The Original Tree Of Knowledge.” Boulder, Colorado. May 29-31, 1992. [link]————. “The Danger Is Madness.” May 1993.————. “The World and Its Double.” Nature Friends Lodge. Sierra Madre, California. September 11, 1993.————. “Gathering Momentum for a Leap.” February 1994.————. “Raving in the Light of the Third Millennium: Language About the Unspeakable.” Maui, Hawaii. February 1994.————. “Eros and the Eschaton.” Kane Hall, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington. March 25, 1994. [link]————. “Appreciating Imagination.” Esalen Institute. Big Sur, California. 1994.————. Weekend Workshop. Esalen Institute. Big Sur, California. December 1994.————. “Rap Dancing Into the Third Millennium.” Starwood XIV. Sherman, New York. July 1994.————. “The New Psychedelics.” Egosoft. Amsterdam. 1995.————. “Shamanism, Alchemy, and the 20th Century.” Mannheim, Germany. 1996.————. “On Alchemy, the Occult, and the Hermetic Tradition.” 1998.————. “Logos Meets Eros.” Wetland Preserves. Manhattan, New York. July 28, 1998.————. “In The Valley of Novelty.” July 31-August 2, 1998. [link]————. “Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines.” Seattle, Washington. April 27, 1999. [link]Harrison, Kathleen. “Indigenous Plant Wisdom.” Entheobotany Conference. Palenque, Mexico. January 2001. [link]————. “Spirit in Nature: Psychedelic Plants and Mushrooms Through Native Eyes.” World Psychedelic Forum, Basel, Switzerland, March 22, 2008. [link]————. “Folk Research: The Hidden Benefits of a Long Tradition.” Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century, San Jose, California, April 18, 2010. [link]————. “Psychedelic Insight: Bringing It Back to Social Reality.” Entheo-Health and Wellness Forum. CIIS, San Francisco, California. December 13, 2013. [link]————. “The Perception of Feminine Personas in Psychedelic Species.” Breaking Convention. London, UK. July 12, 2015. [link]————. “Who Is Cannabis? Her Persona & Role in Personal & Cultural Experience.” Visionary Conference. Los Angeles, California. September 26, 2015. [link]
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